Frequently Asked Questions

What district is the school in what is its exact address? PS20 is located in District 13 in Brooklyn.  The exact address is 225 Adelphi Street, Brooklyn NY 11205

How can I find out if I am zoned for PS20? Visit here to see the PS20 School Zone. The DOE has a webpage where you enter your address and it will tell you what school you are zoned for and what district you reside in

What is the application process? Please click on the following links for more information on: PreK, Kindergarten or Dual Language admissions.

Does PS20 have a PreK program? Yes, We currently have 3 classes for a total of 54 seats.

Do you have a French Dual Language class in PreK? No, currently the Dual Language program starts in Kindergarten. However, starting in PreK students receive instruction in French once or twice a week even if they are not in the Dual Language Program.  

How many students are enrolled at the school? There are 523 students enrolled in the school.

Are there any after-school programs? Yes, Please click here for more information.